
Weak Biden must be forced to resign


Biden Weakened and Compromised

Virtually every American recognizes a deeply troubling leadership crisis. It is undeniably clear that President Joe Biden is severely mentally challenged.

His blunders and mental deficiencies are not only embarrassing for any president, but our enemies see a leader who is unable to make decisions with mental clarity.

Democrats are struggling to keep him at the forefront of the upcoming election and replace him with a suitable candidate.

More: Biden campaign insists he will stay in 2024 race, even as more Democrats call on him to drop out

Their quest to hold on to power is monumental and knows no bounds. But even with about six months left in his term, Biden appears weakened and compromised.

Whether he resigns or the 25th Amendment is invoked, it is time to force him to step down, for the good of the country.

Timothy Michael, Columbus

Criminals are criminals

Re “How Does Columbus Compare to Similar Cities on Police Violence?” on July 17: The Dispatch sank to a new low when it added the bold headline, “How Does Columbus Compare to Similar Cities on Police Violence Against Citizens?” in which Bailey Gallion praises “Mapping Police Violence.” Did she investigate the backgrounds of those involved in “Mapping Police Violence?” Who funds them? Where are they based?

There is only one standard by which police officers are judged in situations involving the use of force. The Supreme Court of the United States has established that standard, not Bailey Gallion et al. In that decision, the court recognized that police officers are often called upon to deal with stressful, chaotic, rapidly changing, and life-threatening situations. The officer’s actions must be reasonable based on the information known to the officer in the circumstances, at the time of the action. Graham v. Connor (490 U.S. at 396).

More: Columbus police have killed more than 60 people since 2013, more than many comparable cities

Gallion should report on the multitude of violent crimes in Columbus 2024, many resulting in death, committed by Columbus residents. Give full backgrounds on all of them. Are they working? Previous arrests? How many have failed again?

Bailey Gallion can’t report on criminal behavior of citizens. Too much evidence that criminals are criminals.

Carmen Sauer, Columbus

Ignorance is strength in Trump’s world

More: GUILTY: 7 Cartoons About Donald Trump’s Conviction

  • A blackmailer of foreign governments to fabricate ‘evidence’ against political opponents.
  • An elected official who planned to overturn the election for the highest office in the land.
  • A scammer who likes to target scared and ignorant people.
  • A multimillionaire who exploits these victims to further enrich himself and his colleagues and to finance his civil and criminal lawsuits.
  • The source of a fountain of countless lies and half-truths.
  • An instigator of hatred against minorities and refugees.

Yet this man—who has never shown an ounce of charity, empathy, honesty, generosity, courtesy, or compassion—is praised in a speech at the Republican Party convention and hailed by leading Christian religious figures as someone who will “bring morality back to the White House.”

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

It is no wonder that so many people have turned their backs on Christianity, whose adherents support and encourage someone with such a record to lead the country as a representative of what we dare to call “our values.”

Steve Abbott, Columbus