
What are the most popular ice cream flavors in the US? Preferences by state

National Ice Cream Month is a celebration of the love for ice creamIn the United States it is celebrated every year in the month of July. The celebration of this month was actually signed by President Ronald Reagan on July 9, 1984, together with National Ice Cream Day which is celebrated on the third Sunday in July. This year, on the 40th anniversary of the holiday, National Ice Cream Day falls on July 21, 2024.

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What are the most popular ice cream flavors in the US? Preferences by state

Instacart, an online grocery store, used data from purchases in its store to determine What flavor of ice cream is favorite in each stateIt made its analysis using data from last year’s peak summer months, from June through August 2023.

Many states favored the usual suspects, such as rocky road, chocolate chips, coffee and butter pecans. However, some chose flavors that were a little more exotic than just vanilla or chocolate, such as green tea and orange sorbet.

Here’s the full list of favorite ice cream flavors with unique flavors by state:

  • Alabama: Elk Tracks
  • Alaska: Green Tea
  • Arizona: Rocky Road
  • Arkansas: Rum Raisin
  • California: Rocky Road
  • Colorado: Rocky Road
  • Connecticut: Cookie Dough
  • Delaware: Orange Sorbet
  • Florida: Rum Raisin
  • Georgia: Butter Pecan
  • Hawaii: Green Tea
  • Idaho: Rocky Road
  • Illinois: Elk Tracks
  • Indiana: Elk Tracks
  • Iowa: Elk Tracks
  • Kansas: Chocolate Chip
  • Kentucky: Chocolate Chip
  • Louisiana: Pistachio
  • Maine: Green Tea
  • Maryland: Orange Sorbet
  • Massachusetts: Coffee
  • Michigan: Elk Tracks
  • Minnesota: Orange Sorbet
  • Mississippi: Butter Pecans
  • Missouri: Cookie Dough
  • Montana: Rocky Road
  • Nebraska: Orange Sorbet
  • Nevada: Rocky Road
  • New Hampshire: Coffee
  • New Jersey: Green Tea
  • New Mexico: Rocky Road
  • New York: Rum Raisin
  • North Carolina: Orange Sorbet
  • North Dakota: Elk Tracks
  • Ohio: Chocolate Chip
  • Oklahoma: Orange Sorbet
  • Oregon: Rocky Road
  • Pennsylvania: Orange Sorbet
  • Rhode Island: Coffee
  • South Carolina: Elk Tracks
  • South Dakota: Orange Sorbet
  • Tennessee: Elk Tracks
  • Texas: Rainbow Sorbet
  • Utah: Rocky Road
  • Vermont: Coffee
  • Virginia: Orange Sorbet
  • Washington: Rocky Road
  • Washington, DC: Orange Sorbet
  • West Virginia: Orange Sorbet
  • Wisconsin: Elk Tracks
  • Wyoming: Rocky Road